Keeping a journal is a great tool.
When I write, I spend less time obsessing.
I write about things that I would not be comfortable talking about with someone else.
I keep it safe, where no one else can find it. No one can see it unless I share it with them.
What freedom that gives me!
As a result, I’m knowing myself better—understanding my motives and why I behave as I do.
It’s especially helpful when I go back and reread what I wrote a few days or weeks before.
But I have to be totally honest when I’m writing.
It’s another form of meditation as I allow my thoughts to flow freely onto the paper, not censoring or judging myself.
It’s just me admitting who I am to myself.
Can I get honest with myself?
Journaling is an excellent way to compose your thoughts, to express inner feelings and to notate your life history. I have kept journals for many years and it is interesting to go back twenty years ago and read what you were thinking at that time.