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Forum Posts

Randy M
Dec 05, 2021
In Encouragement Forum
Each morning, when I first wake up, I need “me” time. Time for me: · before the kids wake up, begin to squabble, and need to be cared for. · before my significant other starts telling me their agenda for the day. · before my own brain kicks into gear worrying about everything I have to do. I sit up straight, stretch, and breathe. I remember how grateful I am for what I have. I read some spiritual literature. I spend a few minutes thinking about what I’d like to accomplish today or maybe only in the next few minutes—but mostly, how important it is to pace myself, so I don’t get bent out of shape. I remind myself to take my time. I’m no good to anyone if I’m rushing and not taking care of “me” first. See all those “I’s”? That’s because it is “me” time.
Randy M
Nov 11, 2021
In Encouragement Forum
Keeping a journal is a great tool. When I write, I spend less time obsessing. I write about things that I would not be comfortable talking about with someone else. I keep it safe, where no one else can find it. No one can see it unless I share it with them. What freedom that gives me! As a result, I’m knowing myself better—understanding my motives and why I behave as I do. It’s especially helpful when I go back and reread what I wrote a few days or weeks before. But I have to be totally honest when I’m writing. It’s another form of meditation as I allow my thoughts to flow freely onto the paper, not censoring or judging myself. It’s just me admitting who I am to myself. Can I get honest with myself?

Randy M

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